Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tony Liked Quiet

Tony slipped away
He spilled out on to the floor
The walls closed in on the way up the stairs
Feathers flew
Lights flashing red, blue
Tony had enough and she finally knew

Holes in the walls from the fists of the gun
Sheets hung in the window
Trash littered the corner
Plants withered
The TV broke in and out as static choked the stale air

Tony walked away
With every step upward, his eyes grew heavier
The walls began to buzz to the bass
Thump, thump
And gravity flipped the switch
Such a romantic
While his little sister screamed and threw the past up against the wall
He pushed his drawers aside
And as she leaned forward with hair suspended and eyes wild
Tony blew out his final argument, and slipped away through the cracks of the shattered home

1 comment:

  1. "Remember Grant.
    Remember Lee.
    To hell with them.
    Remember me." -Tony Pace
